Wenshan Nong Zhuang Stories
Southern Zhuang Dialect, Yan-Guang Verncular,
as spoken in Xichou County and Zhetu District of Guangnan County
More than half of the Zhuang people of Wenshan Prefecture speak the Nong Southern Zhuang dialect, also know as the Yan-Guang Verncular of Southern Zhuang. This book uses the Zhuang orthography approved by the national government of China. Southern Zhuang spellings are according to the two volume primer entitled Sw Doakgoanq Nenhjih Daih’aet Doag approved by the Yunnan Province Middle and Elementary School Curriculum Approval Committee (published by the Yunnan Nationalities Press in 2006.)
We are grateful to to Nong Zhuang storytellers Mr. Zhang Tinghui and Mr. Lu Cheng. The Zhuang transcription of these stories as appears in the Yunnan Nationalities Press published book (forthcoming) has been revised by Professor Lu Baocheng of Yunnan Nationalities University to conform more closely to the Chinese translation of the stories. Here we present the original verbatim transcriptions of the stories in Zhuang, along with the audio files, for those who would like to study the oral Zhuang discourse features and folkstory genre.